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5 applications of AI in law

Artificial intelligence (AI) has infiltrated practically every industry, globally, from finance to healthcare, education, and now the legal sector.

The influence of AI stretches its impact to the legal sector in a variety of ways, including automation and document analysis, legal contracts, and many others.

AI provides efficiency and cost-saving opportunities to enhance the way lawyers practice law.

AI software can complete that task in a matter of hours, allowing attorneys to spend more time preparing for trial instead.

Criminal justice reform

AI is used to help reduce wrongful convictions has allowed for enhanced search capabilities and faster discovery of relevant legal materials, improving law research capabilities.

Due Diligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is used in due diligence for the law sector to automate tedious and time-consuming tasks.

Litigation Prediction

Litigation prediction can help law firms save money by avoiding costly cases that have little chance of success and focusing their resources on ones with better odds.

What areas of law use Artificial Intelligence?

See some areas of Applications of AI in Law below.

Document review

Traditionally, attorneys spend weeks and even months reviewing documents for discovery purposes. Now, AI software like facial recognition can be used in detecting wrongful convictions.

Law research

The increased access to AI tools, like machine learning and natural language processing, AI systems can quickly search through vast amounts of data to identify essential information and key provisions that human lawyers may overlook.


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